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anxiety or panic

this post in the aspie group about a girl that got cats but was freaked out by them weeing into places and wasnt what she expected them to be I think I understand how you feel - that you can't move and your body is your prison because everything you do and every time you move you feel like the germs are coming to you and getting stuck on you and it just gets worse and worse? And then added t o that the disappointment that things didn't work out the way you wanted them to? Sorry if that doesn't describe it well.. I can get like that in environments where I think they are not clean (even though they probably are) and if it gets worse I practically can't move and like a ongoing panic attack that doesn't settle and my body just feels really disgusting and irritated? (I'm using more words but none of them do the feeling any justice actually.. it is just HORRIBLE) Since you cannot get out of this situation at this very moment the only possible way to get out of thi

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